Consumer Protection Important Questions |
Ques 1:
Explain the importance of consumer protection from the point of view of a business.
Ques 2:
Explain the following rights of a consumer. 1. Right to safety. 2. Right to consumer education.
Ques 3:
Explain the following rights of a consumer. 1. Right to choose. 2. Right to be heard.
Ques 4:
state any three responsibilities that a consumer should keep in mind while purchasing, using and consuming goods and services.
Ques 5:
State any six relieves available to a consumer under the consumer protection act, 1986.
Ques 6:
State any three functions performed by non governmental organisation for consumer protection.
Ques 7:
What is mean by consumer protection ? state any three points of importance of consumer protection from the consumer's point of view.
Ques 8:
Explain the following rights of a consumer. 1. Right to be heard. 2. Right to seek Redressal.